Thursday, January 28, 2010

Friday I'm in Love*

I know it's thursday, but today I did a very smart thing to do.
Typed 'love' into itunes and pressed play :)
There are some killer songs, that brighten my day.
And, now that my vehicle is music-less, it's important to get a hit of the 7o's and 8o's greatest love songs before leaving the house. Many of the best containing the word 'love' in their titles.

I woke earlier than I should have.
Wondered why my alarm hadn't gone off.
Then wondered why I was awake before my alarm.
Then realised that I obviously woke up early to give me time to think about a future wedding that is SLOWLY getting planned.
My life is full of lists.
Lists about food's, lights, floors, rugs, drinks, materials, names, seating and scribbles.
I can't get away from them...

On another note. Let's Celebrate with all the other under-employed folks out there by enjoying a third shift this week!!!!! :D
That's 3 shifts in one week!!!
Fingers crossed for another?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This morning...

I ran into the back of a Van in my car. Panicked. And drove away without doing a thing.
What does this say about the kind of person I am!!!??